Sarah Mayne
Welcome to Shimmy! I'm so glad you are here and can't wait to meet you, either on the dance floor or entertaining at your next event. I have the utmost respect for Raqs Sharqi and have so many stories I could tell you spanning 20+ years. It has been and continues to be one of the most epic journeys of my life.
My Story
From a young age Sarah studied ballet, swing, ballroom and Latin. She was introduced to Middle Eastern Dance in 1999 which led her to become a pioneer in her hometown of Grand Rapids, Michigan. She founded ShimmyUSA ( formerly BellyDance Grand Rapids) in 2003 and the Ambrosia Theater in 2014.
Sarah has studied extensively with Yasmina Ramzy and attended workshops with other artists such as Dina Talaat, Randa Kamal, Sahra Saeeda, Camelia of Cairo, Artemis, Mohamed Salah, Tayyar, Morocco, Mohamed Shahin, and Dr. George Sawa. Sarah is an instructor and choreographer from 2003 to present, directing the ShimmyUSA Dancers. Sarah furthered her Middle East dance studies by attending Yasmina Ramzy's Planet Egypt Tour in 2017.
ShimmyUSA Dancers were commissioned by Grand Rapids Museum of the Arts for the King Tut exhibit gala “Night on the Nile” in 2015, and annually for their Ethnic Heritage Festival since 2017. She has hosted several international dance masters in Grand Rapids in order to enrich the local dance community. In 2018, Sarah co-founded and managed the Yasmina Ramzy Arts Mentorship Program. Since 2017 Sarah has performed with Arabesque Dance Co. at the CNE, Carassauga Festival, Dance Ontario Dance, Taste of the Middle East and more. She also performed with Mohamed Salah's Folklore Ensemble at the Bellydance Blossom Festival opening for Dina Talaat May, 2018.
Sarah has directed more than 1000 shows across the state since 2006, including weekly performances at San Chez with Ensemble Al-Asdeka and ‘BellyDance Nights’ performing at Shiraz Grille for a combined 14 years.